Chattahoochee Valley Area

Civil War Round Table


Who's Who in the Chattahoochee Valley During the Civil

Watch this space for information on notable people who had an association with the Chattahoochee Valley during the Civil War. As part of the CVACWRT Projects proposed at the October 2005 meeting, people, both military and non-military alike will have their stories told.



"Major" J.H Warner

The untimely death of an Ohio native who commanded the Confederate Naval Yard in Columbus.

Randolph L. Mott

Prominent Columbus businessman and unionist


Links from the New Georgia Encyclopedia:

Howell Cobb

Politician and Civil War general

Horace King

Master bridge builder and former slave

Lizzie Rutherford

Suggestor of Memorial Day holiday

Francis O. Ticknor

Doctor and poet




This page is maintained by Daniel Bellware and was last updated August 12, 2006.